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Thu, 7 Jun 2012

Google are naughty little liars

[click image to embiggen]

Oh dearie me. I was trying to buy some tickets to a show at the Barbican, and got this error from Google Chrome. Translating into words that actually mean something useful instead of their "helpful" message, they're saying that the Barbican's SSL certificate couldn't be validated. Unlike every other browser, they provide no way for those of us who know what the hell this means to work around the problem.

Thankfully, I have another browser - Firefox - available, so I could use that. Lo and behold, Firefox thinks that the certificate is Just Fine, and shows me that it's authenticated by Verisign. Why on earth would Google not accept this cert? Dipshits.

Posted at 21:19 by David Cantrell
keywords: geeky | security | web
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Tue, 1 May 2007

Olympic bribery

Apparently, vendors of services needed by the 2012 Olympic games organisers will only be considered if they pay to be "major sponsors" of the games. Derek Wyatt MP let slip that "because neither of these companies was a 'major sponsor' of the Olympics their technology could not be used".

If this were anything other than the Olympics, that "sponsorship" would be spelt B-R-I-B-E-R-Y.

This comes shortly after the UK government decided to stop investigating alleged bribes paid by British Aerospace to the Saudi government. It's nice to know that corruption is taken seriously in this wonderful country.

Thankyou very fucking much Seb Coe you midget Tory CUNT.

(story via the most excellent Bruce Schneieieier)

Posted at 20:08 by David Cantrell
keywords: olympics | politics | rant | security
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Wed, 16 Aug 2006

Explosive liquids and what to do with them

You and I aren't allowed to carry our own drinks through security at the airport, although we are allowed to buy them at the grossly inflated prices in the departures lounge, which is nice for someone. But what happens to the drinks and toothpaste and stuff being confiscated from people?

These morons don't seem to have heard of hypergolic fuels, which burn or explode when two substances are mixed. Many are liquid, and don't require any kind of spark or igniter. So pouring all those oh-so-suspicious liquids into a bucket, or mixing all the tubes of toothpaste and stuff in one bin which will just get crushed (boom!) seems really quite daft.

Of course, I don't really think they're morons. Traitors maybe, but not morons. They have heard of hypergolic fuels, and they don't want random explosions in airports. The logical conclusion is that they know there is no threat from liquid bombs on planes. Why they would therefore make you buy your bottle of water in the departures lounge and restrict hand luggage I leave up to you to decide.

Posted at 20:45 by David Cantrell
keywords: rant | security
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