Dave's Free Press: Journal

violence, pornography, and rude words for the web generation


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Sat, 6 Dec 2003

Bang! Flash!

Last night, my intarwebnet connection went down. I thought "oh, the router has crashed again", so turned it off, and went to make a cup of tea. I came back, turned it back on, and bang! flash! - and the magic smoke escaped. Bugger.

This router was supplied by BT with my ADSL connection, which I got three years ago. They've already had to replace the router twice, and I'm just fed up with that. And I really can't afford to be without Tha Intarweb for a whole weekend plus half of next week until BT deliver a new router, so I went out and bought a D-Link whatsit. Then I'll mutter at my account manager on Monday and get a new BT-ish router, and either keep the D-Link as a spare, or flog it on ebay.

Posted at 16:08 by David Cantrell
