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Fri, 18 Jan 2008

Descent into Chavdom?

I just installed a Thing on my phone that lets me use MP3 files for ringtones. This is getting dangerously close to me being chav scum. Thankfully, unlike chav scum, I actually have pleasant tunes on my phone. For callers who are in my address book, it will play the Soviet national anthem. For those who aren't, Dueling Banjos.

But, even though I've not really descended, please keep an eye on me. If I ever start wearing jackets made of artificial fibre, or don't wear my hat straight, you have my permission to stab me in the face, to put me out of your misery.

Posted at 23:40 by David Cantrell
keywords: music | phone
Permalink | 2 Comments

Hmmm would a bread knife be good enough?

My ringtone is "Tales from the Crypt".

Posted by mary on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 at 01:12:36

Comrades and Bandits? Now that *is* cool - and way beyond the intellect of a chav, so fear not!

Posted by Ben on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 at 01:10:19

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