Review star ratings
Because I know that some of you aren't clever enough to figger out from mere words whether I like something or not, I've started adding star ratings to my reviews of books, music, and films:
     | this is at the pinnacle of achievement, or if not quite there is still very good but also so significant that it deserves moar starz. 5 star reviews will be very rare. |
     | anything getting 4/5 is pretty damned good. Lots of my favourites don't get this. |
     | for me to recommend something, it will normally need to get at least 3 stars. |
     | 2 stars out of 5 isn't terrible, but it means that there are fairly serious weaknesses. A few 2 star reviews will still end up recommending that you buy, but not many. |
     | 1 star is pretty bad, but there's still some good in it, although that may be hard to find. |
     | if you even consider buying this, you will be hunted down by ninjas and slaughtered like the dog that you obviously are. |