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Sun, 3 Jun 2007

Palm GPS help wanted

I'm looking for a combination of GPS hardware and software that I can use with my Treo 680. I'm sure that one of the many products I've looked at will do the job, but their websites are ever so unhelpful.

I need to be able to plan waypoints in advance, record waypoints as I go, and have my position displayed on a moving map. I will supply the map files myself as bitmaps in any reasonable format. When I am near the edge of a map, the software should merge image segments from up to four map files. Anything that requires Windows is defined as broken.

I do *not* need automatic route finding, although I suppose it would make sense to be able to add seperate software for that later.

Posted at 12:39 by David Cantrell
keywords: geeky | gps | palm
Permalink | 1 Comment

Anything that requires Windows is defined as broken.

Unfortunately that means you are pretty much screwed I'm afraid.

From what I remember when Natalie and I were playing with all of this was that the Palm offerings were poor to non-existent, which is why switched to using Compaq iPaqs.

Probably the best place to start would be the Geocaching main site, geocaching.com, as wholst you may not be looking for geocaching solutions, there are going to be people who will have tackled this requirement before.

I do still have all my GPS related bookmarks if you'd like me to send them to you.

Posted by Neil Ford on Mon, 4 Jun 2007 at 18:03:31

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