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Wed, 17 May 2006

On teaching "Britishness"

Some schools already teach "citizenship" which, as stupid ideas go, is pretty fucking stupid. If you need to teach it, you're already doomed.

Apparently, this foolishness is going to become compulsory in schools. Perhaps they'll drop something useless like maths which you don't need to learn past 14 to make room in the timetable.

The inestimable Mr. Deathboy has a nice little piece about it, which I entirely agree with.

You go read. Save me typing.

Posted at 20:33 by David Cantrell
keywords: politics | rant
Permalink | 2 Comments

If they want to teach Britishness, why not teach how to make a good cup of tea, the laws of cricket, and how to form an orderly queue?

Posted by Dan Kolb on Thu, 18 May 2006 at 18:25:00

What? You mean cricket has laws? Why spoil it with laws? :-) Fully agree no the cup of tea though!

- Philip

Posted by Philip Paeps on Thu, 18 May 2006 at 23:21:55

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