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Sat, 14 Jun 2003

Heavy metal

Last weekend, we went down to the west country to give my father his 60th birthday present. Of course, we wanted the actual present to be a surprise, so although we were down for the whole weekend, he didn't know that he'd br driving a steam train until we turned up at the station on the Monday morning. On Saturday we travelled down to Winchester, stopping at Woolhampton on the way for refreshments at the Rowbarge pub. The Agèd Ps and my li'l sister went walkies along the canal too, but I stayed at the pub reading a good book because I'd got a right bugger of a blister on my foot and so couldn't walk comfortably. We stayed in the old Winchester City Mill overnight - a charming building with a lovely island garden. The next day we went walkies again - and my foot was less painful so I went too, although I didn't go all the way with them, instead settling down again in a nice pub :-) Finally on Monday, we got up horribly early and drove to Alresford station for the main event. There are some pictures on my website.

And the heavy metal - well, do you know how much those things weigh? The sight of several tens of tonnes of gleaming polished hot metal dancing intricately really is a sight to behold.

Posted at 20:19 by David Cantrell
