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Thu, 28 Jun 2007

YAPC::Europe 2007 travel plans

I'm going to Vienna by train for YAPC::Europe. If you want to join me you'll need to book in advance, and probably quite some way in advance as some of these trains apparently get fully booked.

Waterloo1740Fri 24 Aug
Paris Nord2117
Paris Est2245
Munich08590928Sat 25 Aug

The first two legs of that are second class, cos first wasn't available on Eurostar (being a Friday evening it's one of the commuter Eurostars and gets booked up months and months in advance) and was way too spendy on the sleeper to Munich. Upgrading to first class from Munich to Vienna is cheap, so I have.

Coming back it's first class all the way cos upgrading was nearly free ...

Vienna0930Fri 31 Aug
Zurich1402Sun 2 Sep
Paris Est1834
Paris Nord2013

Don't even think about trying to book online or over the phone, or at the Eurostar ticket office at Waterloo. Your best bet is to go to the Rail Europe shop on Picadilly, opposite the Royal Academy and next to Fortnums.

Posted at 14:40 by David Cantrell
keywords: geeky | holidays | perl | travel
Permalink | 1 Comment

Now you're a sitting duck for terrorists. Unless this is all a clever double bluff ...

Posted by Ian Farrer on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 at 15:08:50

Sorry, this post is too old for you to comment on it.
