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Wed, 11 Jul 2007

Ooo-arrrr ul Akbarrrrr

Cornish terrorism at its best. Never mind blowing shit up because your country is under foreign occupation, or you're politically repressed, it's all about house prices.

Posted at 21:34 by David Cantrell
keywords: silly | weird
Permalink | 2 Comments

Anything that makes Jamie Oliver's life less pleasant has to be good. The filth should have given him guns and petrol.

Posted by Geeklawyer on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 at 08:24:33

I like the idea of being politically repressed. All buttoned-down and pursed lips, not mentioning such dirty things as early day motions, and looking embarrassed every time your mates in the pub start harping on about how much discourse they get at home.

Posted by Stray Taoist on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 at 08:55:46

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